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🔵 Watch more:
A judge rules DACA is illegal. DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is the Obama-era program that shields certain illegal immigrants from deportation. What does this ruling mean for the current recipients and the future of the program?
President Joe Biden addresses workers at an IBM plant in New York. What does he say about the chip industry and the United States’ competition with China?
Over 1 million guns were sold in September, for the 38th month in a row. Gun industry leaders are saying that prices are currently lower than ever.
Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker is hurled into the political spotlight over allegations he may have paid for an ex-girlfriend’s abortion. He denies the claims, but how will this impact his race?
With Elon Musk’s apparent soon-to-be takeover of Twitter, we take a look at ongoing litigation regarding Big Tech censorship with the president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton.
A recent report says U.S. scientists have been recruited by the Chinese communist regime since at least the late 1980s. House Republicans are asking the Biden administration about its plans to protect U.S. research.
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#IllegalImmigrants #DACA #JoeBiden
Illegal Immigrants Bused to VP Harris’s Home; 1.2 Million Firearms Sold in September | Shorts | Capitol Report
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