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This video is basically about where to find online application for the US Visa lottery and how to apply for healthcare workers in the UK (United Kingdom). It’s a breakdown of the whole process.
Relevant Websites.
There are 2 requirements needed for you to qualify.
1. Applicants must be Born in a Qualifying Country to Enter the DV2024 Green Card Lottery.
Before you can enter the DV-2024 Green Card Lottery you must make sure that you are born in a qualifying country.
A qualifying country is defined as a country with a low immigration rate to the United States of America.
If you are born in a county with a high US immigration rate you would be excluded from the Diversity Visa Lottery.
The list below details the countries whose natives are currently excluded from entering the DV2024 Green Card Lottery.
Eligibility is determined by the country of your birth, not by the country of your citizenship or the country you currently reside in.
This is one of the common misconceptions and you will be disqualified if you enter the immigration visa lottery
and you were born in a none-qualifying country no matter what country you are a citizen of or what country you live in.
The list of qualifying countries changes each year.
The only change this year is that people born in Honduras and Hong Kong SAR are no longer eligible to enter the DV2024 green card lottery.
The following countries are not eligible for the DV2024 Green Card Lottery program in 2022.
Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Vietnam
Note that the United Kingdom includes: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn, St. Helena, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Northern Ireland does qualify.
Persons born in the Gaza Strip are chargeable to Egypt for the DV2024 Green Card Lottery this year.
Persons born in Macau SAR, and Taiwan are also eligible to enter the DV2024 Lottery.
all other countries may register for this years the USA DV2024 Diversity Visa Lottery.
2. Education or Work experience that will qualify you for the DV-2024 Lottery,
To enter this year’s immigration visa program of DV2024, you must meet one of the two requirements.
A. the applicant must have completed a U.S. high school education or a foreign equivalent of a U.S. high school education,
It means the successful completion of a twelve-year course in elementary,
and secondary education in the U.S. or successful completion in another country of a formal course in elementary,
and secondary education comparable to completing a 12-year education in the U.S. Passage of a high school equivalency examination is not sufficient.
It is permissible to have completed one’s education in less than twelve years,
or greater than twelve years if the course of study completed is equivalent to a U.S. high school education
B. For an applicant to qualify for the American DV2024 Lottery,
the applicant must have worked in one of the occupations for at least two years within the last five years:
We will also make a video about the occupations that you must have to apply for the DV2024 Lottery.
Thanks for watching.
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