Are you wondering what’s happening with Australian Immigration in 2022? In this video, we’ll share the latest news and changes to student visa applications with GTE.
If you’re planning on studying in Australia in 2022, then you need to stay up to date with all the latest changes! In this video, we’ll share with you the latest news and changes to student visa applications with GTE. We’ll also discuss the length of GTE statement and what you need to know if you’re applying for a student visa in Australia in 2022!
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Nasir Nawaz (BA (LLB), Masters, MARN 1807450) is an Australian Registered Migration Consultant at The Migration. He has a passion for different fields of law and his diverse experience spans Psychology, Dispute Resolution, and immigration law.
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The information supplied is intended to serve as a basic reference only and does not represent legal or immigration advice; there are several rules that may apply depending on each individual’s circumstances as well as industry changes. It is the user’s obligation to ensure that the information is current. A MARA-Registered Migration Agency should be consulted by anyone seeking help.
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