برنامه جدید جرمنی برای انتقال 1000 افغان در معرض خطر به آلمان در تاریخ 17 اکتبر روز 2 شنبه شروع گردید. افراد و افغانهای در معرض خطر میتوانند شامل این پروگرام جدید جرمنی بشوند.
شروع نام نویسی در برنامه خاص آلمان انتقال 1000 افغان در هر ماه
این افراد شامل فعالین مدنی، خبر نگاران، فعالان حقوق بشر، فعالان حقوق زن، و اقلیت ها میشود.
این برنامه ویژه آلمان برای افغانهای در معرض خطر میباشد که ماهانه 1000 افغان از طریق برنامه ویژه جرمنی انتقال میبابند
نام نویسی در پروگرام جدید جرمنی توسط نهاد ها و جامعه های مدنی میشود
سایت وزارت خارجه جرمنی
افغانهای در معرض خطر
انتقال افغانها به جرمنی
برنامه خاص آلمان برای افغانها
برنامه ویژه جرمنی
برنامه ویژه آلمان
#germany #پروگرام_جرمنی
Germany to take in 1,000 at-risk Afghans every month
Germany has introduced a new program to relocate Afghans suffering persecution. Civil society members and minorities are considered most at-risk.
afghans at risk
ویدیویی ثبت نام در برنامه خاص جرمنی برای افغانها از طریق سیول سوسایتی ها:
پروگرام خاص کانادا برای مهاجرین
عکس در لاتری گرین کارت
بورسیه قبرس شمالی
لاتری گرین کارت آمریکا 2024
ثبت نام در بورسیه روسیه 2022 -2023
معلومات جدید در مورد SIV:
فورم کاری ویزه آلمان
بورسیه تایلند
بورسیه کشور روسیه
The following framework was agreed for the federal admission program for particularly vulnerable people from Afghanistan:
Target group:
Afghan nationals in Afghanistan who
have particularly exposed themselves through their commitment to women’s and human rights or through their work in the areas of justice, politics, media, education, culture, sport or science and are therefore individually endangered
who, because of their gender, their sexual orientation or gender identity or their religion, have experienced or have experienced specific violence or persecution resulting from the special circumstances of the individual case and are therefore specifically and individually endangered, in particular as victims of serious individual violations of women’s rights, homophobic or transphobic human rights violations or as exposed representatives of religious groups/communities.
Only people residing in Afghanistan are eligible for the program. Appropriate persons are to be proposed by the authorities authorized to register. Bodies authorized to register are those which the Federal Government has designated for this right of nomination based on their specific knowledge of the persons or circumstances in Afghanistan who are eligible for admission. Civil society organizations can also do this. The participating civil society organizations are supported in this process by a coordination office financed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
The proposal is made by the authorities authorized to register entering the data and information about a person required for selection and inclusion in an IT application provided by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Access to the IT application is only possible after prior authentication as a reporting authority. The first entries in the IT application will be possible in the coming days after the registration of authorized bodies.
At the beginning of the program, the focus is initially on people about whom the participating agencies already have information. It is intended to create opportunities for new enrollments at a later stage of the program.
The Federal Government makes the selection decision on the basis of the submitted proposals and specified selection criteria. Selection decisions are made at regular intervals based on the current database, while the bodies authorized to register can make suggestions on an ongoing basis. When considering family members, a family definition is used that is adapted to the reality of life on site.
The implementation should now take place quickly so that the first admissions can be granted and the selected persons can be actively supported when leaving the country. In the start-up phase of the new program, admission will continue in known cases according to the previously applicable criteria.